The Carbohydrates Per Day Determines Your Weight, Energy and Health.  


How much carbohydrates per day one can consume? That’s a good question. According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 45 to 65% of the calories we consume are carbohydrates. If you are eating say around 2000 calories a day, then around 900 to 1300 of those calories should derive from carbohydrates;

Therefore that should equate to 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrates a day.

Carbohydrates play a very important role in our health depending on the type of carbohydrates you eat. All carbohydrates are not created equal, so to know the best type of carbohydrates is important: we will get to that shortly.

Carbohydrates are use as the main fuel source in our body. During digestion, fuel is created when the sugars and starches are processed and broken down into simple sugars. This is call glucose when it is absorbed into the blood stream.

After the glucose is absorbed into the blood stream it is then taken to the cells by insulin which is created by the pancreas.

The unused glucose is stored by the liver for later use of the body or stored as fat. (Not good)

If you eat 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrates per day you should consider the best type of carbohydrates to eat and to avoid disease.

The best carbohydrates to eat are wholesome foods for example:

  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Whole grain breads
  • Whole wheat cereals
  • Beans
  • Brown rice
  • Peas
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

These types of carbohydrates gives you a longer lasting energy, helps you feel fuller, maintain the blood sugar level, plenty of fiber to help with elimination, and they contain the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients the body needs to be healthy and energetic.

Let’s recap: to determine the amount of your carbohydrates per day depends on your motives the guideline below should help you determine the amount of carbohydrates you should eat per day.

  • You need 2361 Calories/day to maintain your weight, you should take 252 (40%) to 472 (75%) grams of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 346 grams, 65% = 409 grams)

  • You need 1861 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week, you should take 199 (40%) to 372 (75%) grams of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 273 grams, 65% = 323 grams)
  • You need 1361 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week, you should take 145 (40%) to 272 (75%) grams of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 200 grams, 65% = 236 grams)
  • You need 2861 Calories/day to gain 1 lb per week, you should take 305 (40%) to 572 (75%) grams of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 420 grams, 65% = 496 grams)
  • You need 3361 Calories/day to gain 2 lb per week, you should take 359 (40%) to 672 (75%) grams of carbohydrate for your energy needs. (55% = 493 grams, 65% = 583 grams)

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