Healthy Brain Food, Eat It, And Preserve Your Mind.

A healthy brain food diet is critical for the functioning and health of your brain. The brain is very complex and needs all the right nutrients it can get.The brain acts as commander and chief of the body and some of its functions includes:

  • Thoughts        
  • Perception
  • Will
  • Emotions
  • Memory
  • Movements

And it's also the seat of intelligence and personality.

It's amazing to see how the brain is such a crucial part of the body, and this beautiful organ is robbed of it's nutrients every day by what we eat.  Therefore a healthy diet is vital because it's the nutrients the brain require to function in order to send messages through the body by the central nervous system which the brain and spinal cord constitutes.

As you age cells in the brain shrink a little allowing them to become difficult to connect to one another. 

Researchers believe that memory loss is caused by lifestyle factors and some changes can be prevented in the food you eat, exercise, and habits. In order for the brain to function at its best, it needs to receive oxygen and essential nutrients from the blood. When this does not happen the brain will become malnourished and might negatively affect the memory compartment of the brain.

They are some chemicals call neuro-trans-mitters which are responsible for the cells to communicate to create memory, and are dependent on a healthy brain food diet. In my experience transitioning from a meat diet to a vegetarian diet which have quality fats, protein, and B vitamins I saw great improvements in energy, concentration, and alertness.

Furthermore essential nutrients are needed for the cell walls in brain cells. When these foods are eaten, it will have a direct impact on your memory and concentration in a positive way.

So what is a good healthy brain food diet consisted of?

Foods that are wholesome and unprocessed. Antioxidants like vitamin A, C, and E will fight damage cause from free radicals. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants and should be eaten daily.

For vitamin E you can add wheat germ to juices, salads, or cereals. Nuts and seeds are a good source of vitamin E. B- complex vitamins are good for memory and a lack of it can cause memory problems. Brewer's yeast is an excellent source of B vitamins.

Foods that are wholesome and unprocessed (organic food) because conventional food carry toxins. Buy organic food when possible. Antioxidants like vitamin A, C, and E will fight damage from free radicals. Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants and should be eaten daily.

For vitamin E you can add wheat germ to juices, salads, or cereals. Nuts and seeds are a good source of vitamin E. B- complex vitamins are good for memory and a lack of it can cause memory problems. Brewer's yeast is an excellent source of B vitamins.

Eat lots of fiber to keep moving the toxins through the digestive tract to stop them from settling in your body. Whole grain, oats, and vegetables are a good source of fiber. Don't forget your omega 3 fatty acids, which impacts the cell walls in your brain cells.

Some people eat fish to get this, and for those who don't eat meat, use flax seeds which is very high in O- mega 3 fatty acids. All the foods mentioned above are consisted of a healthy brain food diet, nevertheless allow me to simplify them by sorting them in order. This is what you will eat:

  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Grains
  • Legumes

furthermore seeds will also contain the nutrients you need for a healthy brain.

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By eating a variety of fruits, you will get most of the nutrients the body needs.

Keep eating those fruits!

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